Spring is almost here which means warmer weather is too! The idea behind spring cleaning is a chance to make your home fresh and clean once again after spending extra time inside during the colder months. Try to dive a little deeper than your weekly or monthly cleaning tasks, and clean those things you know need to be cleaned but you just don't have the time during your weekly cleaning sessions. We put together some spring cleaning tips to get your home ready for warmer weather.

When you are a new homeowner it can be incredibly exciting, but there are a handful of overlooked items for first-time home buyers. Take a look at our list of tips to ensure you know the basic steps to take as a first-time homeowner.

If you are looking to sell your home in the next few years or considering it for the future, you will want to find ways to increase your home value effectively. Increasing your home value doesn't have to be a chore, in fact, it can be a fun ongoing project with the right tips and tricks. However, the process of selling a home and getting the price you want can be a long venture so be sure to find ways to make the process shorter and smoother like upping the overall quality and curbside appeal of your home. We've highlighted a few of the basic ways to increase the value of your home fast.

Dust mites are microscopic bug-like creatures that come from our dead skin or pet fur as it sheds. Gross, right? We agree. Although dust mites are essentially harmless to most humans they can trigger allergies for those who are prone to allergies in general. In this blog post, we will go over some of the best ways to prevent and get rid of dust mites in your home. It should be noted that many of these tips and tricks need to be done frequently as dust mites develop easily and stick around for a while. So check out this blog post for the best ways to prevent these pesky creatures from taking over over your home.

New parents have a lot of things to consider when it comes to bringing a new baby home for the first time from setting up the nursery to figuring out a good rhythm with the sleep schedule. With all of the items you have on your checklist for the home and baby, you don’t want to forget about indoor air quality which can impact your baby's breathing. After all, newborn babies spend most of their time indoors during the first year of life so it is crucial to make sure your home air system is as clean as possible for your bundle of joy's arrival. Read on to learn about indoor air safety tips for your new baby.

Smart homes are rapidly becoming the new norm and changing how we live. From smart thermostats to smart toilets, every part of the home can be upgraded to be sustainable, cost-saving, or to simply make life easier. In this article, we provide tips on how to turn your property into a smart home.

Whether you are saving money for a larger purchase or just saving money to invest in your future, we have outlined some unique ways to get started. Remember no matter what your financial situation is, it is never too late to turn things around and start saving money or paying off debt. With COVID-19 being a health crisis worldwide, and therefore many job layoffs and furloughs happening at the moment, we know money is tight for a lot of families. This is one of the main reasons we have come up with a list of easy ways to cut back spending. Read these tips we have put together and let us know which ones you end up trying!

One of the most key actions you can take in order to maintain your HVAC system’s health is to simply stay consistent with your air filter replacement. This keeps everything working smoothly and moreover helps with keeping your energy bill charges low. Tragically, it is a task that is adequately disregarded by various homeowners and ends up provoking higher bills and future HVAC issues. In any case, how routinely would it be smart for you to change your air filter? How consistently would it be fitting for you to change your furnace filter? In reality, it depends. Here are some basic guidelines and rules to help you with understanding what time distribution is best for your focal air system.

Winter is here and you need to make sure your home is ready for the cold weather. We have put together a checklist for you of some of the commonly missed steps to take during the winter to ensure your home is ready. From changing your thermostat, stocking up on ice melt and getting your outdoors ready we hope this list will help make prepping for winter easier on you.

Getting good quality sleep each night is important for maintaining your optimal health and wellbeing. A good quality night’s rest can help prevent weight gain, depression, sickness due to a lower immune system, and a lack of productivity during the day. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest this season, check-in with yourself and try out some of these tips to get that good quality sleep that you desperately need. Your body will thank you.

Halloween is just around the corner and for many Americans this holiday brings back memories of fall fun and filling up on your favorite candy and treats but there are some essential safety tips you need to consider when your child goes trick-or-treating. Here at FilterTime, we are all about creating a safety-first environment inside the home and outside the home which is why we would like to remind you of some basic tips to keep your kids healthy and safe on this fun holiday. If you do not have children and are just handing out candy this year, you can still take away some information from these tips to help the children in your neighborhood stay safe.

Regardless of how much fun they had, guests will always remember the cleanliness and how your house smells. While you may not always have time to deep clean the house before your guests show up, you can try these simple ways to make your home smell amazing.

It may not feel like it outside, in the Southeast anyway, but fall is just around the corner. With fall vastly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about preparing your home for the changing weather and temperatures. While this may seem like a lot to do at first glance, if you start knocking these items out now, you’ll be ready for fall in no time. Read our tips below on how to get your home ready for fall early so you can have plenty of time to enjoy the fun festivities!

Over the summer, your electrity bill is typically at its highest point. This is a good time to consider simple changes that can help lower your bill without having to spend a lot of money. We have a compiled a short list of options, but it can also be helpful to have a professional come in and audit your house.

Independence Day is just around the corner! For Americans celebrating July 4th, this means a full fun-filled day which usually includes enjoying time with family and friends outdoors, barbecues and fireworks. Fireworks have been a part of the American Independence Day celebration since 1777 when Philadephia's adjourning Congress celebrated America's Independence from Britain with fireworks. While fireworks are apart of the American Independence Day tradition, there are some important safety factors you need to consider when handling them since they can be dangerous.

Lucky for you, dust mites are so small that it’s nearly impossible to see them with the naked eye, because quite frankly, they’re as gross to look at as you might imagine. Dust mites are microscopic organisms, who happen to be related to spiders that feed on skin cells and live in places such as your bedding, carpet, furniture, or other places in your home where it’s warm and humid. Gross. So what’s a homeowner to do? Also lucky for you, we have some advice on how to determine if you have dust mites in your home, and how to get rid of them.

Buying a new house and moving into your new home is a very exciting time. With everything going on in the closing process, it can be easy to look over the things that you will need to do in your new house before you move in. Whether you are buying your first house or moving into a different house, here is a checklist of items you will want to do right when you move in.

Cleaning your home shouldn’t result in releasing an abundance of harmful chemicals into the air. However, many of the top-selling cleaning products contain chemicals that are linked to asthma, developmental harm, and even cancer. Changing all your cleaning products to be more environmentally friendly and safer for your family can be daunting and expensive, so we’ve listed out some tips to keep in mind while you’re out shopping for cleaning supplies.

It’s lurking right around the corner. The heat, the sweat, the bugs. Summertime is almost here. If you live in Alaska, maybe not such a big deal, but in the lower 48, the heat can be oppressive. In the Southeast in particular, it can be life-threatening if you don’t plan ahead.
It is estimated that at least 10% of the population has a pet allergy and cat allergies are twice as common as dog allergies (sorry cat people!). So with that being said, we all have at least one family member or friend who suffers from one of these allergies. For people who suffer from pet allergies, this could mean fighting runny noses, headaches, sneezing, trouble breathing and more. Doesn't sound too fun now, does it? Read on to find out how you can help make these guests feel welcome and accommodated for despite their allergy.

Peak pollen season is here. Pollen saturation in the US varies widely throughout the various regions of this country, so depending on where you live, pollen could be an afterthought, or could represent a daily gauntlet. Even if you don’t suffer from allergies, the thin yellow coating on just about anything you touch is enough to be a nuisance.

You spend more time in your home than anywhere else, so why not make sure you have the cleanest air to breathe? Many asthma symptoms can be reduced or eliminated by keeping a clean environment and purifying the air in your home. There are several products available that claim to purify air but actually can cause more harm because of the chemicals that are used.

Energy bills can add up quickly, so unless you live ‘off-the-grid’, you’ll likely want to look for ways to make your home more energy efficient and reduce your overall utility expenditures every month. Heating and cooling most likely accounts for more than half of your utilities every month, but there are several factors at play.

Maintaining clean air in your home is essential if you want to keep respiratory conditions and allergies at bay (and if you hate dusting!). The air is full of irritants and pollutants such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, smoke, plant and mold spores, bacteria, and possibly even (in older homes) volatile substances like asbestos, which degrade the air and expose occupants to health hazards.